Thursday, July 08, 2010


It has always been there...
But why is it now that people start noticing it?
(Maybe it has gone a little worst)
What are they looking at before this?
Is this suppose to be a good or bad sign?
What does God trying to hint me in this situation?
(Because i believe that everything happens for a reason)

Sometimes what we think is BAD isn't so bad after all...
There must be something behind it... A reason...
Of course we have no idea and we can't predict what is God's purpose,
the least we can do is not to think about how much damage that particular situation got us into...
but instead try to think that are various possibilities of advantage we can get from it...

Right now...
In the situation I am facing...
The possibilities are...
1. Maybe God wants me to find someone who loves me and doesn't care about these?
2. Maybe God wants other people to notice the bigger difference on it when they see me later on?
3. Maybe God wants to give me the worst out of it and solve it once and for all?
4. Maybe God wants me to practice good habits for healthier life?


There could be so many other possibilities rather than just complaining why God did this to you...
Thus making life so much more relaxing and meaningful isn't it?

Of course, most of the time the answer wouldn't be so easy...
But we need to think of other possibilities (looking at another angle) to avoid us from believing towards the negative side...

Get it?


Anonymous said...

Why God wants you to do this and that? Why not yourslef take the initiative to do it?

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Johnny said...

Thanks for sharing