Friday, February 26, 2010

Used to...

Life is a challenge...

Challenge to deal with new arising issues...

But on the other hand, the challenge is to deal with same old issue you had which was a new issue long time ago...

When there is no solution to the issue,
human will tend to get used to them.

But it is not easy to get used to something,
this needs a lot of time and courage...
Sometimes it needs a lot of sacrifices,
before you can overcome it...

So then you will ask,
'what is the purpose of living then?'
Well, everyone has different answers for this question...
But it all comes down to 2 common meanings...
1) Doing something you love.
2) Love somebody.

So no matter how complicated life goes into,
hang on to these 2 basic principles...
And most importantly BELIEVE IN YOURSELVES!!!
What other people think of you is not at all important...

not for them FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!

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